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Ten Things You Should Know About LSD

with 9 comments

  1. If you enjoy orgasms, you might enjoy the effects of LSD or “acid”. Acid simulates the effects of serotonin, endorphins and many of the other chemicals in your brain that make you elated and pleasured. It increases the pathways between sensory areas in your brain, meaning you can sometimes quite literally see sounds or listen to the feelings your skin receives. Though it can’t be explained neurochemically, acid trippers often report feeling a mix of dreamy beneficence and sage-like wisdom – along with complete control of mental and physical faculties. In simple terms, it feels amazing, encourages thinking and makes you love everyone.
  2. LSD is non-toxic. Unlike alcohol, cigarettes and cannabis, LSD doesn’t damage your body. A drinking session is worse for your brain than concussion, and smoking will make you die early, but LSD will only leaving you feeling a little bit tired and worn out the next day. In fact, despite the widespread availability of acid in the 60s (when it was legal), there has never been a case of confirmed overdose. It’s a shame, then, that it has a street name as destructive and corrosive as acid.
  3. First synthesised in 1938 by Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman, LSD was ignored because it didn’t produce the response they were searching for in rats. Years later, when Hoffman absorbed a little bit through his skin, he felt “funny and slightly intoxicated”. The next day, he gave himself what he thought would be a small dose and rode his bike home. On the way, he believed that he was able to stop time and that Albert Einstein was running alongside him. Even though he was startled by what was happening, he’s said in various interviews that he had never felt better in his life. In his 1980 book on LSD, he describes it as “medicine for the soul”.
  4. Many drugs take a gram or two to be effective. Generally, tabs – little squares of blotter paper which have been soaked in LSD – contain only 100-200 millionths of a gram each. One tab is enough to send someone off on an intense trip of euphoria and hallucinations, lasting up to 12 hours. Due to its incredible potency, LSD is not something to be taken lightly: it’s usually an all-day (or all-night!) affair.
  5. Addiction is a destructive, overpowering and awful side effect of many drugs; illicit and otherwise. As it happens, LSD is physically non-addictive. Heroin and nicotine, for example, both hurt an addict until he satisfies his cravings. It doesn’t take long with those drugs before the user is truly dependent. LSD is as addictive as, say, the television – the only thing compelling you to do it again is that you want to, and not that you need to.
  6. Ironically, most of the scientific research done on LSD was sponsored by the US Army and the CIA in the ‘50s and ‘60s. Project “MKULTRA” was a decade-long attempt to find a drug which could act as a mind-control device, at one point receiving 8% of the CIA’s sizeable budget. One of the thousands of test subjects was Ken Kasey, author of “One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest”. With his friends, Kasey stole large stores of acid and drove around the USA in a psychedelically coloured bus. They called themselves the “Merry Pranksters” and gave LSD to anyone who’d try it.
  7. Because it’s so potent, producing a huge quantity of doses requires only a small amount of chemicals. As such, LSD is cheap. If you measured it in the extent to how strongly it affects you, and how long it lasts for, there is nothing that compares in price. Unfortunately for Australians, most of our acid is manufactured overseas. However, a few friends could go on a very interesting journey (or “trip”, if you will) for the cost of a case of Coronas.
  8. Even though acid produces extreme euphoria, its astounding potency needs to be respected. It affects different people in different ways, and the environment and circumstances in which you do LSD shape how your trip will turn out – each one is unique. A bad trip can come about as the result of being in scary, ugly or angry situations – the love and acceptance you feel for those around you brings down mental barriers, which is both a blessing and a curse. You feel incredible empathy with other people, but it can be distressing to feel someone else’s pain and frustration.
  9. Ensure that you are doing LSD in a place where you’re comfortable, with people that you love (or at least like!) and who are happy. Music is a delight to listen to – make a playlist of your favourite songs, but also try to play some you wouldn’t normally listen to. Anything moving or colourful will attract your attention, try renting a book of art from the library or watching the iTunes visualiser while you listen to music. If you play an instrument or draw or paint, you’ll find your skills won’t leave you and it can be wonderful to play or create even simple things.
  10. Acid has had a big impact on pop culture because of what it can do for creativity. The Beatles were adamant advocates, and their song “Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds” captures beautifully the dreamy, vibrant world of a trip. Paul McCartney in particular believed it “opened his eyes” and was humanity’s best chance of “ending famine, war and poverty”. Aldous Huxley, author of “Brave New World”, wrote two whole books on the subject of psychedelics and had his wife inject him with acid on his death bed. Other proponents range from Hunter S. Thompson to The Doors to Stephen Fry! Unlike, cocaine or heroin, LSD is a drug which celebrities don’t seem to regret taking.

Written by atroche

April 20, 2008 at 5:34 am

Posted in Uncategorized

9 Responses

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  1. LSD also causes psychosis and flash-backs. It’s not all peaches and cream..


    April 30, 2008 at 12:14 am

  2. LSD does not cause psychosis or flash-backs.

    The first claim is just propaganda spread to frighten people out of taking LSD.

    The second is at least more credible, but still false. LSD is released almost immediately through metabolism. However, what makes one think they’re having a “flash-back” is being in a situation or place they remember during a trip. This causes the brain to “trick” the person into believing they’re having a trip once again. But there is no LSD being stored in the spine or any nonsense like that. It’s in your mind. LSD is powerful and one needs to be ready for it.


    June 17, 2008 at 4:44 am

  3. Thanks for writing this. I was considering trying LSD but I wanted to be more educated. This was very helpful.


    July 3, 2008 at 5:46 am

  4. What wouldn’t be what it was…if it wasn’t what it is…..I rest my case


    September 7, 2008 at 10:41 am

  5. “LSD is released almost immediately through metabolism. However, what makes one think they’re having a “flash-back” is being in a situation or place they remember during a trip. This causes the brain to “trick” the person into believing they’re having a trip once again. But there is no LSD being stored in the spine or any nonsense like that. It’s in your mind. LSD is powerful and one needs to be ready for it.”

    If someone is out driving or doing something similar that might affect someone else adversly if they lost motor control of their cognitive sense and suddenly their brain tricks them into believing they are having another trip-what do you think is liable to happen-whether or not it’s stored in the system doesn’t matter anymore does it-it still affects the person in some way that could be detrimental.

    So you’d recommend it anyway?


    September 8, 2008 at 5:07 pm

  6. Without any credentials all this advice is at best nothing more than opinion. Dangerous opinion at that. Clinics are full of people who have had psychotic breaks after an experience with all types of psychedelics including LSD. You are irresponsible to recommend this drug to such a wide audience as the internet with the only credential of a casual user. Anyone who is reading these comments should think critically about it. Lots of folks have had good experiences with LSD but to note such things without listing any counter-arguments is at best again, irresponsible.


    October 13, 2008 at 3:26 pm

  7. Actually, the Merry Pranksters didn’t just give acid to anyone who’d try it. Many times, they wouldn’t tell people at their parties that the giant kool-aid batch was laced with LSD and people would end up getting high against their will. Kinda fucked up on Kesey’s part, if you ask me.
    I think acid is great for most people and I admire Kesey, but that’s just not right. I think the Merry Pranksters did something good by breaking the mold, being adventurous, destroying some conformity, and bringing new ideas into the world. But I also think, in the end, they were stupid. They did a lot of dumb shit. But hey, that’s just how I feel about them.
    Good post anyhow.


    October 13, 2008 at 4:15 pm

  8. Gdogg is silly, I mean he implies people should think critically about your post because you have no credentials. In fact, people should think critically no matter your credentials.
    You’re not irresponsible to recommend a drug. It’s your right to tell what your heart compels you.
    It’s my right to decide for myself whether it applies to me or not.

    What counter-arguments? Some people get freaked out because they’re so lost in their imagination during a strong trip.

    Oh yeah, you go to a party hosted by people who were doing a kool-aid acid test and drink their punch. What do you expect is going to happen? I’m sure someone had an inkling. Even if they didn’t- it doesn’t mean these people were given strong doses of LSD nor does it mean they had a susceptibility to psychosis. Those with a history of psychosis are most likely to have bad trips, but I’ve known plenty of people with mental illness who enjoyed LSD.


    November 6, 2008 at 3:06 am

  9. Excellent post, there should be some mention of deja vu and other phenomenons
    There is no word of caution, which there should be, but overall it is a nonbiased post

    The way I like to see it, an acid trip is like a rebirth of consciousness
    Its like seeing, smelling, hearing, feeling the world for the first time again to its full potential
    It is an ego dissolution and your subjective processing of sensory input is washed away
    I really enjoyed my trip and had really mindblowing ideas but it wasn’t until weeks after that I realized how open minded I became


    December 1, 2008 at 6:01 am

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